In the system, the refund is reusable thanks to the RSA-based partially blind signature, and the anonymity revocation is achieved by employing a passive TTP short for trust third party. 系统使用基于RSA的部分盲签名技术实现了余额的直接花费,使用一个被动的TTP进行匿名撤销。
Thus at the automobile passive security study, especially in the research of improving the automobile front part shape to reduce pedestrian injury, a model tool which can be trust is established. 从而为汽车被动安全的研究,尤其是为改进汽车前部形状以减少行人伤害的研究建立了一种可以信赖的工具。
Although its attitude towards merging of all guilds were once passive, eventually the Native Bankers 'Association was aware of the situation and together with the Shanghai Bankers' Association, the Trust Guild, formed a united Financial Association in Shanghai. 在各公会合并改组问题上,钱业公会虽然一度态度消极,但最终认清了形势,与银行公会、信托业公会合并组成统一的上海市金融业同业组织。
Therefore, neither organizations nor individuals should regard trust development as a passive process which accumulated slowly and gradually with the passage of time, but should accelerate trust evolution more quickly on their own initiatives. 因此,组织和个体都不应再将信任发展看作是随着时间流逝缓慢积累起来的被动过程,而是要积极主动地促进信任更快地建立与发展。